Karolinska University Hospital

Karolinska University Hospital is one of the largest University Hospitals in Europe. Together with the world-respected Karolinska Institutet, the hospital lead in development and medical break-throughs.

Karolinska University Hospital is responsible for highly specialized health care in Stockholm County Council. At Karolinska the most seriously ill and injured patients receive care. The new hospital building in Solna is a key component of one of the largest investments in medical and health care services in Stockholm County.

Facilities for research and education are well integrated into clinical operations. Patient centered research and education are based on patient participation of one kind or another. The program office for the New Karolinska, Karolinska Institute and the operations have closely collaborated since 2012 on which areas are patient center.

Karolinska University Hospital website at: www.karolinska.se/en/karolinska-university-hospital/



The symposium is conducted with the support of


Conference Secretariat
Academic Conferences
e-mail: ATP1A3-2021@akademikonferens.se
phone: +46 18 67 15 33 or +46 18 67 10 03

Important dates

Registration closes August 21 2021

Arranged by

Karolinska Institutet,
Karolinska University Hospital
AHC Sverige

AHC Sverige. Logo.
AHC Sverige. Logo.
AHC Sverige. Logo.